Tuesday, March 12, 2019

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 Creative Tim News Room


Start your development with our beautiful Black React Design System for Bootstrap 4 (Reacstrap) ❤️ It is open source, free and it features many components that can help you create amazing websites.

Amazing, right?  🔥🔥🔥

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This is UX writing at its very best
When you need some inspiring examples to get your content strategy and creativity flowing, I hope the 10 fine specimens below help you get there.

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The concepts you should know in React.js 

Five concepts that will bring your React skills and knowledge to the next level. If you're completely new to React, take some time to complete this tutorial and come back after.

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Material Design Bundle

Interested in purchasing some of our best products? Buy Material Design Bundle and save up to 70%.

Our favorite design links this week

Sketch plugins for efficient designers

The 7 stages of the design craft — and how to get to the next one

How AI will impact mobile app design and development?

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