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Here's some college photos from the marketing VP who wanted to kill Bud Light's "fratty" image and may have killed the entire brand
![Here's some college photos from the marketing VP who wanted to kill Bud Light's](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/6436f31d696636436f31d69664.jpg)
Bud Light's advertising is under the direction of the industry's first-ever female ad executive and her decisions sure have been... bold.
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Thanks to woke Bud Light, women are sharing powerful stories on social media to celebrate the female accomplishments no man could ever imitate
![Thanks to woke Bud Light, women are sharing powerful stories on social media to celebrate the female accomplishments no man could ever imitate Thanks to woke Bud Light, women are sharing powerful stories on social media to celebrate the female accomplishments no man could ever imitate](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/6436bd82a21386436bd82a2139.jpg)
This here is a viral trend that the White House and FBI might call domestic extremism. And I absolutely love it.
Elon Musk's takedown of this pro-censorship BBC reporter who tried to peg Elon for "misinformation" is like honey from heaven 🤌😌
![Elon Musk's takedown of this pro-censorship BBC reporter who tried to peg Elon for](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/64369e5a9330b64369e5a9330c.jpg)
Destroyed by facts and logic 👇
This man showed incredible trigger restraint after a pit bull attacked him and his dog
![This man showed incredible trigger restraint after a pit bull attacked him and his dog This man showed incredible trigger restraint after a pit bull attacked him and his dog](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/6436dd1b239176436dd1b23918.jpg)
Watch this dude take on a pit bull that tried to attack him and his little dog.
An explosion at a Texas dairy farm has reportedly injured one person and killed up to 18,000 cows
![An explosion at a Texas dairy farm has reportedly injured one person and killed up to 18,000 cows An explosion at a Texas dairy farm has reportedly injured one person and killed up to 18,000 cows](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/6436ce95999fb6436ce95999fc.jpg)
Well, this is very much not the kind of news you want to read:
This NY Mag article about parental rights might be the most unhinged, uneducated piece of bear scat I have ever read 🥴
![This NY Mag article about parental rights might be the most unhinged, uneducated piece of bear scat I have ever read 🥴 This NY Mag article about parental rights might be the most unhinged, uneducated piece of bear scat I have ever read 🥴](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/6436d2b70dcb26436d2b70dcb3.jpg)
Do these people not know this is literally what the Soviets did, or do they just like supporting mother Russia?
We now have a report of a scammer using AI to perfectly clone a child's voice and demand ransom money from a mother
![We now have a report of a scammer using AI to perfectly clone a child's voice and demand ransom money from a mother We now have a report of a scammer using AI to perfectly clone a child's voice and demand ransom money from a mother](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/6436dae43ad216436dae43ad22.jpg)
We knew this sort of thing was going to happen. I'm not sure any of us thought it would happen this quickly:
The Babylon Bee sues California's AG over censorship law 😤
![The Babylon Bee sues California's AG over censorship law 😤 The Babylon Bee sues California's AG over censorship law 😤](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/6436ea2252a7d6436ea2252a7e.jpg)
Big news to report from Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon:
This guy was the only passenger on a flight from Portugal to Ireland and I think it's safe to say he enjoyed the experience 😆
![This guy was the only passenger on a flight from Portugal to Ireland and I think it's safe to say he enjoyed the experience 😆 This guy was the only passenger on a flight from Portugal to Ireland and I think it's safe to say he enjoyed the experience 😆](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/643706ae88994643706ae88995.jpg)
Paul Wilkinson, of Lancashire, England, was recently scheduled to fly from Faro, Portugal to Belfast, Ireland, but when he showed up at his gate at the airport and found that there was no one else waiting, he was a bit confused.
Is it loving for Christians to use transgender pronouns?
![Is it loving for Christians to use transgender pronouns? Is it loving for Christians to use transgender pronouns?](https://media.notthebee.com/articles/64361cbe9116364361cbe91164.jpg)
"But what did Jesus say, Pete? He said that the world would know us by our love."
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