Saturday, June 3, 2023

What Are the Largest U.S. Cities by Area?

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Daily Discoveries
In collaboration with Daily Passport
What Are the Largest U.S. Cities by Area?
Within the 50 U.S. states are thousands of towns and cities of varying sizes. While people often talk about a "large" city as one with a significant population, such as New York City or Los Angeles, here we'll take a look at the 10 largest U.S. cities in terms of area. 
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9 Trips to Take in Your Lifetime
Travel comes in all shapes and sizes, whether that's a cross-country road trip with friends or a solo backpacking adventure. The specifics are up to you, but we think everyone should try to experience these nine kinds of trips at least once in their lifetime.
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The Most Unusual Cities in Europe
When planning a trip to Europe, you might picture elegant castles and quaint town squares, but many European cities have a more eccentric side that may surprise you. From a town taken over by a sea of gnomes to a grisly reminder of the plague, throw romantic notions aside and come see Europe's most unusual cities.
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