Friday, September 15, 2023

5 Reasons for Impeachment; Joe Biden ‘Magic’; Climate Change ‘Consensus’


Breaking News from

Warm Wishes for Rosh Hashanah: May the new year bring you peace, happiness, and good fortune. L'shanah tovah from Newsmax to you and your loved ones!

Turley: 5 Reasons Impeachment Inquiry Must Go Forward

Special: Severe Weather Expected to Continue . . . Prepare Now!

Don Jr.: DOJ Charges Hunter But 'Magically' Joe Biden Missing

Robert Marks: No 'Consensus' on Climate Change

Important: Trump Issues Warning on Ga. Case

Dear Newsmax Reader,

2023 has already set a record for the greatest number of weather disasters in a year. 

We have already seen 23 weather-related catastrophes that have cost the U.S. more than $1 billion… and the year isn't over.

Extreme weather is becoming more common in our everyday lives, and many Americans don't know how to prepare.

What makes these weather extremes even more alarming is their unpredictability. No one can accurately foretell when or where the next disaster will strike. This uncertainty is a chilling reminder of how fragile our daily routines and safety truly are.

In the midst of such chaos, one tool stands out as a beacon of hope and survival: the emergency radio. This unassuming device, powered by batteries or hand-crank, has the potential to be your lifeline when everything else fails.

From devastating fires in Hawaii and hail storms in Minnesota to hurricanes slamming both the East and West coasts, Americans need to be prepared.

You can get an invaluable Emergency Radio FREE, just read below to learn more.

We all need to stay connected, and we all need to stay safe.

Urgent Message for American Families

Federal and State Agencies Advise You Get An Emergency Radio!
Emergency Radio

Picture This Very REAL Scenario:
A shortage of fuel has closed your electric utility — or any one of several natural or man-made disasters has just devastated your town, power is out all over the city with no signs of being restored, floodwaters lap at your doorstep, and you and your family are completely cut off from all human contact . . . 

Are You Prepared?
How will you know if and when you need to evacuate? Is the water from your tap safe to drink? Which shelters are still taking families? Where do you go? What do you do?

Staying informed could be a matter of life and death.

That's why federal and state agencies advise that every American home should have an emergency radio.

Be Prepared in Any Circumstance!
If your electric power fails due to a massive health epidemic, storms, flash floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes or even the ever-present threat of terrorism, you need an emergency radio that WORKS in a REAL emergency.

The Dynamo Emergency Multi-Band Radio is the device you can depend on.

This powerful radio lets you stay informed throughout any type of emergency. Most importantly, the Dynamo Emergency Multi-Band Radio includes:

  • Hand-crank generator/solar panel
  • NOAA weather band, AM/FM
  • 1.5" speaker
  • Telescope antenna
  • Wrist strap
  • USB output jack to charge cellphone or other device
  • Mini USB input jack with cord

This sturdy radio is a must-have in every home and makes a great gift for friends and family you want to keep safe!

The Dynamo Emergency Weather Band Radio retails at $29.95, but it's yours for FREE with this special offer. Your family's safety is worth it — don't miss this offer!

Claim Your FREE Emergency Radio
With This Special Offer — Click Here Now!

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