Wednesday, September 13, 2023

WashPost Columnist Urges Biden to Drop Out; Dems Wrecking US Image; Escaped Pa. Killer Caught


Breaking News from

WashPost Columnist to Biden: Drop Out of '24 Race

Special: Legal Insider Trading Strategy That Built This $7.5 Billion Revealed

Victor Davis Hanson: Dems Destroy US Image With Trump Prosecutions

Escaped Murderer Danelo Cavalcante Captured

Platinum: New Mexico Gun Ban a 'Political Gesture' Without Legal Basis

'Greed Is Good, Greed Is Right, Greed Works'

Everyone recalls the famous words above, spoken by the iconic character Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street.

The high-roller, big-time stockbroker, played by Michael Douglas, makes trades based on information brought to him by a young Charlie Sheen.

Insider information, that is . . .

Even though the movie ends with them being busted for insider trading, it triggered thousands of young, money-hungry professionals to storm Wall Street and chase the big bucks.

Well, Edgar "Ed" Wachenheim III was already there, crushing the market, and opened his very own investment management firm in 1987, the same year Wall Street came out.

In reality, the movie could very well have been made about him.

Today, that same management fund has a value of $7.5 billion.

You might be asking, what was Wachenheim's secret to building such wealth for himself and his clients?

Insider Information.

Yes, insider information, but without doing anything illegal. Want to know how you can use the exact same strategy to build wealth for you and your family?

As luck would have it, Wachenheim wrote a book that breaks down his confidential blueprint — and you can get it for FREE today with a special offer from Newsmax Finance.

Common Stocks & Common Sense not only shares Wachenheim's secrets for massive returns, averaging 18% for the last 50 years, but it also breaks down some of his largest deals with many well-known companies.

This is an entertaining, must-read book for anyone who wants to learn how big deals are done on Wall Street. That, how and you can find the insider information yourself to get ahead of the game legally.

Don't wait, TAKE ACTION and get your FREE COPY NOW!


Newsmax Finance

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