Thursday, October 5, 2023

Biden Embraces Trump’s Wall; WH Ejects Bidens’ Biting Dog; Giuliani: Biden Must Pay for Slur


Breaking News from

Biden Waives 26 Laws to Resume Texas Border Wall Construction

Special: Will You Survive Biden's Financial Apocalypse?

Bidens' Dog Commander Out of White House After Bites

Giuliani to Newsmax: 'Liar' Biden Must Pay for Russian Slur

Economic Uncertainty Driving Costco Gold Rush

Will You Survive Biden's Financial Apocalypse?

Dear Fellow Patriot,

It's a stormy sea out there in the financial world — and the tide is turning against us…

President Biden and the Democrat-led Congress have been steering us toward the edge of a financial abyss with their America LAST policies.

The consequences are dire — we could be witnessing the end of America as we know it in just a matter of months.

But hold on, there's a lighthouse showing us the way to a safe harbor…

Great Devaluation Book

One man, Adam Baratta, anticipated this very scenario.

His expertise shines in The Great Devaluation, a guide that unveils the truth behind our economic predicament — and his insights don't just explain the storm — they show you how to navigate it and safeguard your wealth.

I urge you to read more about how Baratta's foresight and actionable insights can protect your financial future.

Ready to weather the financial tempest?

Dive into Baratta's revelations and discover the tools you need to secure your financial future.

Your financial security is in your hands.


Jeff Relic

Financial Publisher, Newsmax

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