Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Gallup: 63% Want 3rd Party; Trump Open to Speakership, Jim Jordan Running


Breaking News from

Gallup Poll: Support for 3rd Party Highest Ever

Special: Choosing the Right Gold Dealer for You

Trump Won't Rule Out Speakership: 'I Would Do It'

Jim Jordan to Run for House Speaker




Choosing the Right Gold Dealer for You
Maybe you've been thinking about diversifying your investments and buying gold or silver but are uncertain about finding a trustworthy dealer. You've read some disturbing news stories about some dealers charging high markups and not disclosing certain fees to the consumers. 
At VaultUS Gold we started our company to fight against those unfair practices and give you the best service and an honest and fair deal. Based on our experience in the industry (30+ years) we have some tips to offer to help you choose a dealer. 
  • Do your homework. Scrutinize their reputation, track record and customer feedback.
  • Speak to multiple dealers, ask them questions, be a wary and educated consumer. 
  • Do they listen to your needs and are they concerned about what product is best for your portfolio?
  • Trust your gut!  If they sound like a snake oil salesman, hang up the phone.
  • Avoid tricks like the "Bait and Switch" - you see an interesting product in an ad, but when you inquire about it, they try to sell you something more expensive.
  • Don't get taken in by fancy (but fake) language: "investment grade", "unique", "semi-numismatic", "semi bullion, part bullion" products.
  • Ask them about their Buyback policy for their customers. Will they buy your metals back and at what price?
  • Do you get a good feeling when speaking with them, are they knowledgeable, do they listen, do they directly address your concerns and questions?
  • Do they return your calls quickly and provide easy to follow directions or documentation promptly?
  • Are they willing to share the pros and cons about the products you are interested in?
  • Do they follow up after the purchase to see if you are satisfied?
We know if you give VaultUS Gold a try, you will be satisfied with our service and your purchase. 

To demonstrate just how confident we are, we are offering a completely FREE consultation with one of our specialists, whether you are interested in a Gold IRA or purchasing metals outright. They will spend as much time as necessary answering all your questions and educating you on the pros and cons of your purchase. 

In addition to the free consultation, we will give you a custom, itemized, WRITTEN proposal so you can see exactly what you are buying. Try it today and see for yourself.

Sign-up or call us now!

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