Sunday, October 15, 2023

Iran Threatens Escalation; Israel Kills Top Hamas Leader; AOC Ripped for Hamas Leanings


Breaking News from

Report: Iran Threatens Direct Intervention If Israel Invades Gaza

Special: 'Fox & Friends' Features Breakthrough Solar Generator

IDF Airstrike Kills Another Top Hamas Commander

Pro-Israel Supporters Rip AOC, Omar for Misinformation




FOX & Friends Features
Breakthrough Solar

Demand Is Surging – 107,000 Americans
Have Already Claimed Theirs...

Fox Friends Solar Generator

FOX & Friends featured a breakthrough solar generator right before a "polar vortex" sent thousands of Americans into total darkness.

Skip Bedell recommended it as the perfect gift to prepare for winter storms.

And then BOOM!

Demand surged and 4Patriots sold out.

Days later, a massive ice storm hit the nation. The folks who were fortunate enough to claim their silent, fume-free solar generator were thanking their lucky stars.

Because despite power outages, rolling blackouts and bone-chilling temperatures...

Those who acted fast and got their 4Patriots solar generator had peace of mind and could power critical devices like lights, space heaters, communications, critical medical devices and even fridges and freezers.

Sadly, those who didn't prepare were left to hope and pray the lights came back on soon.

But that's not why this generator is going viral...

National Security Experts
Fear Imminent Threat To
Our Power Grid

Freak ice storms, hurricanes and raging wildfires aren't the only threat to our nation's crumbling power grid...

Shockingly, in 2022 alone there were over 70 physical attacks on our nation's power grid!

And even worse, attacks on just 9 of the nation's 55,000 electrical substations could trigger...

A nationwide blackout that could last up to 18 months!

Former CIA Director, James Woolsey, warned that an attack on America's infrastructure would, "Blackout the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for over a year. Killing 9 out of 10 Americans by starvation and societal collapse."

Despite this clear and present danger...

Our Government Is
Woefully Unprepared

They ignore dire warnings from national security experts about our vulnerable power grid. Warnings of physical, electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) and cyberattacks...

And who suffers because of their neglect? YOU and your family.

Imagine a blackout lasting not days, but weeks or months.

Your life would be frozen in time right at the moment your power fails. An entire country plunged into darkness.

Without a generator, your fridge, electric range and microwave would be dead. All the food in your fridge and freezer – spoiled.

Your well couldn't pump fresh water into your house. And even if you don't have a well, a total grid failure means no fresh water to drink, cook or clean with.

This is not some crazy doomsday theory. It's a real threat.

That's why many Americans are taking matters into their own hands and are securing their own solar powered generator.

Solar generators are a smart choice because they produce an endless supply of life-saving electricity when you need it most – and without gas, fumes or noise.

Our top recommendation in portable solar generators is the Patriot Power Generator.

THIS breakthrough solar generator is safe enough to use inside. And never needs gas, ever.

And you'll have peace of mind knowing that you and your family have a safe, reliable and easy-to-use source of backup power. To survive a blackout, storm, grid-down event... or worse.

It's why the Patriot Power Generator was recently featured on Fox & Friends...

And why over 107,000
Americans already have it
in their homes right now.

Demand is surging...

"It has a battery inside. You can charge it with electricity or – what's really cool – with a solar panel that comes with it for FREE."

Click Here To See This Breakthrough Solar Generator In Action!

To your survival,

Frank Bates
Patriot Headquarters

P.S. Thanks to your support, we're able to provide support to important charities that help American veterans and their families. Charities like Fisher House, A Soldier's Child Foundation, Team Rubicon and Operation Homefront.

Customers Are
Raving About Their
Solar Generator

Joe B. 5 Stars
"My Patriot Power Generator arrived four days before Ian "the beast" hurricane hit my town. It was a lifesaver. After losing all power, we would have been in absolute darkness with no way to communicate to the outside world. If we needed aid or rescue, it would have been impossible with dead phone batteries. The Patriot Power Generator was everything you said it was and more. I say this with tears in my eyes: I'll never be without at least one. Great product, people! You should be proud!"

Bob A. 5 Stars
"Could not be happier! Generator works flawlessly, solar works flawlessly, plus all the other goodies in the package are amazing! Would definitely recommend 4Patriots for all your generator and other survival needs! Just spoke with Sienna at customer service to say how much I love the products! Sienna was very courteous and professional!"

Carla U. 5 Stars
"The ice storms in February left us without any type of electricity for a solid week. If it wasn't for the solar generator, my husband wouldn't have been able to sleep with his CPAP and we would have been in the dark for a week. It was very helpful and very convenient to be able to keep it charging continuously by day in the sun. It's well worth the money. Get off the fence and order this for the safety and security of your family!"

Bernice L. 5 Stars
"Don't wait to add this vital piece of equipment to your preparedness arsenal! We were able to keep our lights on and our electronic equipment charged for 5 days when the power went out last year. As soon as we could, we purchased another generator!"

Patricia T. 5 Stars
"This is great not just emergencies, but everyday help as well! I needed to repair my shed, but there's no power out there, and most of my tools are plug-in electric. I was unhappily thinking about running 150ft of extension cords, then remembered my 4Patriots Solar Generator! Worked like a charm. Utterly reliable and easy to use. There's no good reason to put off getting back-up power! Peace of mind and convenience, too! Love it!"

Angel H. 5 Stars
"Just went through the winter storm. I absolutely love my generator. It is a life saver! We had three days of no power with below freezing temperatures. We have a 3-year old and a 75-year old to take care of, and their lives depend on my ability to provide. I hooked up TV and DVD players, and had small 250-watt heaters. I put the solar panels in the windows all day while our generator was in use. Even though there was no direct sunlight, the panels helped keep the generator charged. After three days, we still had a small charge on our generator while keeping my family entertained and warm enough not to shiver."

Sharon P. 5 Stars
"Having this generator means I'm not stuck. 4Patriots is by far the best place to shop for your critical emergency needs! I have been a customer since 2017! It's better to be prepared than to start doing that crazy buying that people were doing, for instance, at the start of the pandemic."

Click Here To See This Breakthrough Solar Generator In Action!

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