Thursday, November 9, 2023

More Hunter Subpoenas; Manchin Bowing Out


Breaking News from

Comer Subpoenas 4 More Associates of Hunter Biden

Special: Is a Gold Investment Right for You?

Democrat Sen. Manchin Not Seeking Reelection




Is A Gold Investment Right for You? 
If youy're like most Newsmax readers, you are worried about the state of the economy, alarmed at the prospect of more bank failures and concerned about the unrestrained spending by our federal government. Most of you are wondering how those events might impact your wealth and your family's financial future. 
Precious metals can act as a hedge to safeguard your retirement or savings, but many people are uncertain about what to buy, where to buy it or how it all works.  
Click here to get our easy-to-understand guide, Decoding Precious Metals, to help you learn more about precious metals investing and understand how you can make a gold or silver purchase. 

In our guide we: 
  • List the benefits of investing in precious metals. 
  • Outline the types of metals you can buy. 
  • Explain the difference between bullion, bars, coins and collectibles. 
  • Share tips on choosing the right metals vendor.  
Our client success representatives are dedicated to educating you, so you can make smart precious metal choices. Our reps don't work on sales commissions, so they can focus on getting the best deal for you, not for them.  
In addition to our free guide, they will provide you with a customized written proposal and if you act now, you may be eligible for our $5,000 discount. 
Don't miss out on a great offer to learn more about precious metals. 

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