Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Dem Wants Austin Out; Biden-Johnson Border Talk


Breaking News from

1st Dem Lawmaker Calls for Defense Chief Austin's Resignation

Special: Big Banks Scramble to Cover Up Massive IRS Loophole

Speaker to Biden: Take Executive Action on Border




Why Christians Need To Own Gold In 2024

The Jan 6 indictment of Donald Trump should be a warning to all Christians of the lengths the radical left will go. America is heading into uncharted waters that threaten stability in all walks of life – including your money! 

So no matter who wins the presidential election, Christians should hope for the best but PREPARE for the worse.

Even if Trump wins? YES! 

Because let's face it, Donald Trump is only one person. Even with the force of his personality, he alone cannot undo the economic damage or overwhelming evil and corruption in D.C.

So what does this mean for you and your family? It means...

Your Personal Savings And Bank Accounts Are 
On The Chopping Block

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