Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Disney, DeSantis Settle; Obama Schemes With Biden; Hostage Reveals Hamas Rape


Breaking News from

DeSantis Allies, Disney Settle Suit Over Control of Florida District

Special: Your Easter Prayer: A Path to Heart Health

Report: Obama Schemes With Biden as Trump Fears Rise

Israeli Hostage Reveals Rape by Hamas Captors in Gaza

Platinum: Afghan Generals: Biden Decision to Cancel Trump Troop Order Doomed Afghanistan

How the Power of Prayer
Can Heal Your Heart Disease

Dear Reader,

Did you know that people of faith are often better prepared to heal themselves?

Or that you have the power to completely halt and even reverse atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and many other diseases of the heart?

And it may require nothing more than the God-given wisdom of a sensible diet, modest exercise, prayer, and a few other simple guidelines?

I'd like to share this revelation with you today, as my gift to you and your family. With your permission, I would like to send you a FREE copy of my #1 best-selling book, The Simple Heart Cure: A 90-Day Program to Stop and Reverse Heart Disease, to read in the comfort of your home.

In this book, you will discover miracles of faith-based healing — including how thousands of people at my Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic have reversed their heart disease and are now living healthy, productive lives again.

As a doctor and fellow Christian, I have discovered that people possess an almost-magical ability to heal their hearts. Yet very few people take advantage of this ability.

It can help evaporate the stress in your life … lower your blood pressure … and yes, even reverse your risk of heart disease. And all this has been scientifically proven and documented!

Please allow me to share this with you in my book, The Simple Heart Cure. If you, or someone you love is suffering from heart disease, you need to get your FREE copy right now.

You will look back on the day you discovered The Simple Heart Cure as the first day of the rest of your life. And a true blessing to you and your family.

To Your Lasting Heart Health,

Chauncey W. Crandall, M.D.


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