Monday, May 13, 2024

Trump Slams NY Court’s ‘Armed Camp’; Trump Leads in 5 Key States; Climate Crisis Debunked


Breaking News from

Trump: My Supporters Can't Get Near Courthouse

Special: Bidencare Comes for Your 401(k) – How to Opt Out

NY Times Poll: Trump Leads in 5 Key Swing States

Platinum: Science Doesn't Support Climate Activists' Extreme Weather Claims




NEW REPORT: Gov't Debt EXPLODING By $1 Trillion Every 90 Days

Unsustainable Spending Puts Every American's Financial Future At Risk... Is YOUR Retirement Safe?

A new report reveals that government debt is skyrocketing at an unprecedented rate, rising by a staggering $1 trillion every 90 days.

This reckless spending is setting us up for an economic catastrophe that could wipe out the life savings of millions of hard-working Americans.

How Can This Affect Your Savings?


If the U.S. government defaults... imagine the fallout. What company, pension fund, state government, city government, or bank would go untouched?

Nobody would be safe, except those smart enough to seek refuge in physical assets.

Hi, I'm Dr. Ron Paul, and I've been warning about the dangers of runaway government debt for decades.

This Is Why I'm Such A Strong Advocate For Physical Gold IRAs

Gold offers a way to protect your hard-earned retirement savings from the potentially devastating fallout when this unsustainable debt bubble inevitably bursts.

And here's the best part: You can move your existing IRA or 401(k) into physical precious metals without incurring ANY taxes or penalties.

To learn how to safeguard your financial future with the timeless security of gold, click this link. Birch Gold Group, the only precious metals company I trust, will send you a FREE Info Kit on Gold IRAs.

Don't Let Washington's Debt Spree Put Your IRA or 401(k) At Risk

Get the information you need to shield your savings with the wealth preservation power of physical gold.

Click here to request your FREE Info Kit on Gold IRAs from Birch Gold Group. There are absolutely no obligations attached.

Time is of the essence. The national debt is on an unsustainable path, and the consequences for unprepared retirees could be disastrous.

Protect your nest egg before it's too late — get your FREE Gold IRA Info Kit TODAY.

Dr. Ron Paul
Birch Gold Group

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