Monday, May 13, 2024

Word of the Day: Accede

Can you pronounce accede?
Word Daily
Monday, May 13, 2024
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verb 1. Agree to a demand, request, or treaty.
2. Assume an office or position.
3. Become a member of a community or organization.
Play Button "The authorities acceded to the thief's demands in exchange for the painting."
Play Button "The Vice President will accede to the presidency while the President is undergoing a medical procedure."
Play Button "When I acceded to the condo board, my first goal was to make more green space on the roof."
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Latin, 15th century
Why This Word?
"Accede" developed in Middle English as a word that meant "come forward" or "to approach." Today, the word has a few usages: "to agree to a demand," "to assume an office or position," and "to become a member of an organization." The most familiar usage might be when a monarch accedes to a throne, but it can be used with other titles of nobility, too. ...
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