Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Newsmax Viewers Shunned; $64M Mystery Biden Donor; Amanda Knox Reconvicted


Breaking News from

Newsmax Viewers Shunned From Trump, Biden Juries

Special: Biden's Plan to 'Strong-Arm' Trillions From US Citizens

Biden Got $64 Million From Mystery Donor to Stop Trump

Amanda Knox Reconvicted of Slander in Italian Court




Biden's Covert War
on Your Retirement Savings

While the ruling elite have long used tax loopholes to avoid paying their fair share...

President Biden has unleashed an $80 billion IRS enforcement army of

87,000+ auditors in conjunction with artificial intelligence to aggressively target hard-working Americans' nest eggs.

This is just the latest salvo in their decades-long assault on retirees:

  • In 1983, they voted to tax 50% of Social Security benefits
  • In 1993, they raised it even higher to an 85% tax
  • Now they're pushing a $4.7 trillion tax hike that could demolish retirement investments

Make no mistake - this is a covert war being waged against your golden years.

But in a rare moment of oversight...

A critical IRS loophole was left open that can shield your life's savings from their grasp.

Thanks to this 100% legal provision, you can execute a seamless transfer of your IRA, 401(k), pension, and other traditional retirement accounts into more stable, private asset classes.

Best of all, you can safeguard 100% of your nest egg's value - tax and penalty free.

This genius loophole was designed to protect retirement wealth from interest rate risks, geopolitical turmoil, market volatility, and yes - overreaching government powers.

Don't let your life's hard work be plundered by bureaucrats! 

Get this urgent Wealth Protection Guide now to learn the simple opt-out process.

Simply claim your free, no-strings-attached copy below while you still can.

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